Coding and software development

Software Development Life Cycle

Unless you are a developer, your usual encounter with software is as a user. You see the end product, but you do not see the hard work and the process that brought life to it. Developing a concept into a software program is known as the Software Development Life Cycle or SDLC.

SDLC is the process of putting together the software based on the needs and requirements of the customer. While people may perceive this process as irrelevant to the user, it helps to understand the SDLC. Software programs are created for users, and when users know how these programs are developed, they will have a better idea of the kind of information or feedback they should provide the developers.

Phases of the Software Development Life Cycle

SDLC serves as a roadmap guiding the developers toward the most efficient course of action to achieve the purpose of the software; that way, it becomes relevant to the user for whom the program was conceptualized and developed. It also helps reduce, if not eliminate, resource waste, allowing the development team to improve efficiency.

Phase 1: Identifying the requirements

The jump-off point of the SDLC involves the simplest but one of the most important phases of the cycle: identifying the software requirements. In this phase, the project’s scope and potential issues are identified.

In this phase, the development team identifies the resources needed and matches them against what is available. Doing so enables them to decide whether they can do away with the unavailable items, find substitutes for them, or acquire those requirements.

Additionally, it is wise to identify and evaluate project opportunities and risks at this point. Knowing them helps in determining the scope and the timeline for developing the software.

It may seem the easiest phase, but to be efficient in the next phases, it is critical to properly thresh out the requirements to avoid resource wastage, which includes time.

Phase 2: Feasibility Study

This phase considers several factors.

First is the budget. The development team looks at whether there are sufficient resources to pursue the project. The team can look at options to reduce costs without risking the software’s functionality and quality.

There is also the legal side to consider, which means the development team must be aware of relevant regulations. They can ensure government and statutory compliance to avoid legal impediments.

Another thing to consider is the availability of human resources. Apart from having the right number of people working on the software, these people must have the right skill for the project.

Is the target deadline attainable? Determine when you want the software launched and work backward to set each activity’s start and completion dates.

Phase 3:Design

In this stage, the stakeholders document and review the design specifications, including the general architecture or structure of the software as well as the resulting user interface. There are three components of the design phase.

  • Availability of the software on various platforms
  • Programming language
  • Security measures

Phase 4:Software Development

This phase is where the actual “work” happens. With the requirements identified, the resources mapped, and the design finalized, it is time for coding. Coding usually takes time because it allows adjustments and recalibrations to ensure that the end product is in line with the envisioned software.

Phase 5:Testing

When the software has finally met the specifications required, the next step will be to test the software. Testing does the following:

  • Shows how the software works
  • Identifies and corrects bugs before the software is released
  • Checks if the software meets all requirements

This phase is looped with the development phase—the requirements identified earlier are the same factors used as testing criteria.

Phase 6: Launch

The software progresses into this phase when the development team is confident with the functionality and quality of the software. If the software is designed for a client’s exclusive use or an organization’s internal use, it can be released to its target users. However, if it was designed for commercial purposes, launching means introducing the software to the market.

Phase 7: Maintenance

Launching software is not the end of the development team’s work for a specific program. As the software is used regularly, more bugs will probably surface. You need to collect feedback on the users’ experience with the program to identify the issues that must be addressed. It is also possible that an update on the earlier version becomes necessary to resolve the bugs detected or simply improve or add to its features to enhance the user experience.


The work that goes into developing a concept into a software program to address the efficiency needs of its target users is no joke. The development team relies heavily on the inputs of its intended users so they can produce useful, relevant software.

Understanding the software development life cycle gives users a better appreciation for their software. While it serves as a roadmap to the development team, understanding this life cycle enables users to provide important information to ensure that the software does its purpose.